Transition Days au Carré Hollerich

Transition Days au Carré Hollerich

Transition Days: how to live together in a one planet world?

For many years, Transition Days has been organizing workshops, conferences and events related to sustainable development, well-being and responsible behaviour in Luxemburg.

From the 11th to the 13th of June, 2021, Transition Days organizes an great event at the Carré Hollerich. Scheduled: workshops, talks, artistic shows, ...

The following topics will be discussed:

  • > “Make the step!” towards a job that makes sense
  • > Composting
  • > Influence of the GAFAMs on our lives
  • > Well-being of the body and of the mind
  • > Find pleasure in physical activity
  • > Permaculture
  • > And many others...

Find the whole schedule on their dedicated page:

Transition Days

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Pauline - 08/09/2021, 22h45

J'y suis allé et je ne regrette pas; j'ai découvert plein de magasins et concepts que je conaissais en réalité très peu. Je conseille!