La Fresque du Climat
The Climate Fresk in Luxemburg: a workshop to understand climate change in a collaborative and enjoyable manner
The purpose of the Climate Fresk
Created in France in 2018, the Climate Fresk has already gathered more than 200.000 participants on the subject of climate change. The purpose of this association: give a chance to everyone, in a pleasant, accessible and accurate way, to understand the stakes of climate change, and how it is caused. Understanding it is a major step required to start acting and accepting changes: against climatic emergency, everyone should be informed of the scientific bases of climate mechanics, in order to acknowledge the situation, decrypt informations, make an opinion, act quickly and collectively accept that changes will be required.
How does it work?
It works in a very simple way. The Climate Fresk is organized as a 3h workshop, set-up once a month in Luxemburg (only one participation is enough). Participants are gathered around a table, and form teams of 4 to 8 people, and will start with a deck of 42 cards. The content of these cards is based on the IPCC conclusions. Together, participants discover the cards one by one, which illustrate the many aspects of climate change, and discuss to relate them one to the other until cause and effect relationships are assembled. An animator will support one or many teams in order to guide them througout the workshop, and ensure a correct communication.

The 4 phases of the workshop
- 1. 1h - REFLEXION : discover and relate the cards, then build the Fresk together
- 2. 1h - CREATIVITY : take a step back, get a general view of the Fresk and create a team spirit by illustrating it
- 3. 15min - RESTITUTION : share what has been learnt and remember it thanks to a summary presentation
- 4. 45min - DEBRIEF : discuss in a friendly way about everyone's emotions, positions, questions and solutions

How to participate?
It's very simple: in Luxemburg, a Fresk is organized every last Tuesday of each month, form 7pm to 10pm, generally at the CITIM. Inscriptions, as well as any information request, can be addressed by e-mail to:
Don't forget to
subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about the next workshop!
The Climate Fresk in a few numbers
- 150.000 people with raised awareness
- 6.000 animators
- 80 international references to support you
- 47 countries and 25 different languages to reach the whole world
They speak of the Climate Fresk
Nicolas Hulot, President of Honor of the FNH
"Tomorrow climate change will tragically tamper human activities. A complex scenario sometimes hard to understand and grasp, that the Climate Fresk smartly and usefully displays to all." -
Carine de Boissezon, Chief Sustainability Officer - EDF
"The massive spread of the Fresk will help us be more reliable to our clients, with schools, with regions and all our relations..." -
Jean-Marc Jancovici, Member of the French High Council for Climate
"Global warming, how does it work? First option to get an answer: read the IPCC report. The best option, but 2000 pages to read and understand! Second option: play the Climate Fresk. This game simply puts to evidence the main mechanisms behind this utmost complex topic. Try it, you will enjoy it!" -
Christelle Leroy, RSE Director - Groupe TF1
"It's an amazing tool to fully understand how events occur and relate to global warming, and all the consequences it implies on the life of populations."
And for the youngest...
The Fresk can adapt to all. There is a Junior Fresk aimed at the 11 to 15 years old, with simplified cards. A 'Quiz Fresk' also exists, a short approach (20min) to give a first hint and where participants have to guess the links between a few cards with the help of the animator.
Have you participated to a Climate Fresk already? Share your experience!
LëtzShift - 16/11/2022, 19h47
Bonjour à tous ! La Fresque du Climat au Luxembourg est organisée une fois par mois. Pour vous y inscrire, vous pouvez les contacter directement à l'adresse e-mail suivante : :) En cas de difficulté à prendre rdv, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre via notre formulaire de contact sur ce site web. Merci et bonne fin de journée ! L'équipe LëtzShift
S. Sauveplane - 16/11/2022, 08h09
Bonjour, Y a t il de prochaines dates prévues pour participer à la fresque du climat ?
Stephane Tartière - 14/11/2022, 11h53
Je n'étais pas disponible lors du passage dans ma société. Je souhaite y participer.